Review:This City by Patrick Stump

cover art for This City

Sincerely sweet,but not naive –I think is a good description for the lyrics. Patrick Stump’s lyrics,at their best,capture a sweetness and hopefulness that I find refreshing. Continue reading

Free Music:Steel Train

…and a contest!

Steel Train

Steel Train

Steel Train is an amazing band that I was fortunate enough to see play last year. I absolutely adore this album and hope you give it a listen.

Jack Antonoff,the lead singer,also plays in the band fun. which is another amazing band. So if you like fun. there’s a really good chance you love Steel Train too.
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Free Music:Evolove

Evolove The Band


I’ve talked about Evolove before,and now they’re giving away their first ep 2012:Countdown To The End.

Below is the embed from SoundCloud where you can listen to and download the tracks you want. I’ve also included a direct link.

My favorite song is Let Me In,but I really enjoy the entire ep and I’m looking forward to what they put out next. Which should be soon!
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Band Rec:Scars on 45

So thanks to a free song on AmazonMP3 I found this British indie pop band today.

Scars on 45 band photo

Scars on 45 band photo

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