Band Rec:Tegan &Sara

This is Tegan &Sara,immensely talented twins from the great land of Canadia,I mean Canada. They’ve been making music since they were fifteen and they’ve been touring almost as long.

You can read a detailed History of Tegan &Sara over on Wikipedia,so I won’t replicate that here. I found them because I heard one of their songs played on a tv show,but for the life of me I can’t recall which one. Obviously their music was superior to the show using it.

I promptly looked them up and was thrilled to find a female-lead band (two queer females even!) that made songs that were both musically and lyrically satisfying to me. All too often I find the best female bands/singers have songs that,while amazingly well done,are also fucking suicide-inducing. And I understand why that is. Women,even now,have a lot of shit poured on them. It’s only natural to write about that,work through it,protest against it via art. I applaud that even. But as someone who honestly can’t handle my own shitty life,I am unable to take on the additional burden of other women’s pain. So with Tegan &Sara I was pleased to find songs that resonated strongly on an emotional level but that did not overwhelm me with pain and despair.

Looking through their discography I realize that I basically really love every other album they do and am just kind of meh about the others. Not sure why,just one of those things. Still,with six studio albums to their names,there is plenty to enjoy even for weirdos like me. FYI:my faves are This Business of Art (2000),So Jealous (2004),and Sainthood (2009).

And here’s a sampling of songs off those records (though I love the full albums so):
on Grooveshark
or embedded here

So go buy their music!
at Amazon
on iTunes

Vital Links:
Official Site