Review:This City by Patrick Stump

cover art for This City

Sincerely sweet,but not naive –I think is a good description for the lyrics. Patrick Stump’s lyrics,at their best,capture a sweetness and hopefulness that I find refreshing. And he always comes across as entirely sincere in this sweetness,so it doesn’t ever feel patronizing. This is the case here in a song that is quite clearly about his much beloved home town of Chicago. He’s not unaware of the many,often serious,problems with the city but it’s still his home and he loves it. I can identify with that emotion,connecting me back to my own hometown.

Beyond the lyrics,and the lines performed by Lupe Fiasco are just as integral as the ones sung by Patrick himself,the music is really pleasing. It’s not Fall Out Boy,but it’s not like anti-Fall Out Boy either. It’s softer in some ways,more synths/keys than guitars. There is still a strong percussion sound,which makes sense given Patrick’s drummer background.

Basically this song makes me feel good inside &out and raises my excitement for the full length album,Soul Punk due out October 18th.

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This City –at AmazonMP3
This City –at iTunes

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