Review:This City by Patrick Stump

Sincerely sweet,but not naive –I think is a good description for the lyrics. Patrick Stump’s lyrics,at their best,capture a sweetness and hopefulness that I find refreshing.

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Free Music:Steel Train

…and a contest!

Steel Train

Steel Train is an amazing band that I was fortunate enough to see play last year. I absolutely adore this album and hope you give it a listen.

Jack Antonoff,the lead singer,also plays in the band fun. which is another amazing band. So if you like fun. . . . →Read More:Free Music:Steel Train

Band Rec:Scars on 45

So thanks to a free song on AmazonMP3 I found this British indie pop band today.

Scars on 45 band photo

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Review:Take A Vacation! by The Young Veins

Was it a dream holiday in which your every wish came true,or the vacation from hell where everything went wrong? The reviews for this album tend to be either utterly derisive and completely dismissive of its merits,or positively sparkling with effervescent,unwarranted praise. The album’s actual accomplishments are closer to the middle, . . . →Read More:Review:Take A Vacation! by The Young Veins