Review:Take A Vacation! by The Young Veins

Was it a dream holiday in which your every wish came true,or the vacation from hell where everything went wrong? The reviews for this album tend to be either utterly derisive and completely dismissive of its merits,or positively sparkling with effervescent,unwarranted praise. The album’s actual accomplishments are closer to the middle, . . . →Read More:Review:Take A Vacation! by The Young Veins

Band Rec:Metric

This is Metric an indie rock/new wave band hailing from the great land of Canada. They are Emily Haines (vocals,synthesizer &guitar),James Shaw (guitar &theremin),Josh Winstead (bassist) and Joules Scott-Key (drummer). They started in Toronto but have been all over the world at various times.

Background Info:Wikipedia Offical Site . . . →Read More:Band Rec:Metric

Band Rec:Tegan &Sara

This is Tegan &Sara,immensely talented twins from the great land of Canadia,I mean Canada. They’ve been making music since they were fifteen and they’ve been touring almost as long.

You can read a detailed History of Tegan &Sara over on Wikipedia,so I won’t replicate that here. I found them . . . →Read More:Band Rec:Tegan &Sara